Thea’s too intense, apparently and, as much as I’d like to chalk to up to Oliver indeed just being an interfering older brother, I think her aggression when out in the field is going to end up having something to do with the Lazarus Pit resurrection that season three never followed up on.© 2023 Minnesota Vikings Football, LLC, All Rights Reserved. He’s still the same old Oliver though, with the episode even acknowledging his tendency to criticise those around him before he even takes a breath. Even if this season doesn’t live up to the promise of being slightly lighter in tone, at least we have a departure from the faux-realism it’s seemed intent on keeping in the past. But he wasnt alone on the island where he learned not only how to fight and survive but also of his fathers corruption and unscrupulous. His father dies, but Oliver survives for five years on an uncharted island and eventually returns home. It’s goofy and I’m sure very endearing for fans of the comic. Oliver Queen and his father are lost at sea when their luxury yacht sinks, apparently in a storm. Maybe a rebrand might help – a new suit somehow offering less protection and a ‘Green’ added to the moniker.

4 Present Tense 11/6/19 1.99 When a mysterious new Deathstroke appears in Star City, Oliver and Team Arrow insist on taking down this. It’s interesting to me that Oliver doesn’t actually like the life he’s been handed, contrasted with the resolute joy and purpose present in so many around him. Series star KATIE CASSIDY directed the episode. What excuse does the show come up with? Well, Felicity can’t shake the hero bug quite like he can and, one side mission in which they help out Thea, Laurel and Diggle turns into a full-time return. Of course Oliver has to suit up again, though, simply because of the aforementioned name issue. Team Green Arrows ongoing battle with Damien Darhk is complicated by a. Yes, it’s still named after one hero, but it’s really more of a massive, sprawling ensemble than ever. It’s the show that’s made an entire network reshape its strategy, and it’s one that’s actually built on its previous ratings despite a badly reviewed season. Each picture shows Hollands Nico in several different roles, from a shell-shocked soldier to a devoted boyfriend to an aspiring bank robber, perhaps the most. This is a whole universe now, not just one show.

It makes total sense.īut seeing the new team assembled in the Arrow Cave is the moment you realise how much Arrow has managed to achieve since it began. People are leaving, authority figures are being killed and the city is suffering substantially from all of the genocidal events that occurred since season one. 1. The important thing is that Black Canary, Red Arrow and Diggle in a silly hat are protecting the city pretty well without Oliver, even if it’s in worse shape than ever. I could go into how amazing I felt when the first superheroics we see are from Laurel and Thea, two women so frequently mistreated by the show’s writers, but I won’t.

Back in Star City, now officially renamed, those he left behind are doing a pretty good job protecting The Arrow’s legacy.